Galerie Dreikang
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"The artist-couple Geling-Bouchon lives in bigamy: on the one hand they live in happy, homely marriage, on the other hand they live in a symbiotic marriage of equal artists. This fruitful co-existence often causes that they both - irrespectively of each other - penetrate the same subject and translate their thoughts into their work"

KOW Müller

Hann.Muenden, Video from: KYTChannel Eine Fachwerktour, mehr info´s:

Weihnachtliches Hann. Münden Video from:

Dear friends, dear guests,

On the 30th of August 2003 we opened our gallery "Dreiklang" (triad) in the three-rivers-town Hann. Muenden in the centre of Germany for exhibitions and concerts. This spacious gallery is built on a big property with many old trees.  An art studio and a timber house complete this building. We  are permanently able to offer here interesting exhibitions and concerts for 50 - 75 visitors.
Most of all we are interested in helping communication between Germany and its neighbour countries, especially Russia. The artists, who exhibit or perform their music, can live and work in our house. Our intention is also to show our art work not only in Germany, but also in all our guests’ countries. Since 1993 we make exhibitions, for example in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nichni Nowgorod, Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt
No matter in which respect art or music, we want to offer special quality in the area of Goettingen, Hann. Muenden and Kassel. Particularly, we want to show what Russian Culture is like, so that the local population gets a better understanding of its neighbour countrys.
With our abstract and variable art  work we want to put a special idea into practise. With every change of the variable work - whether it is a picture, a relief or a sculpture - the viewer creates a different piece of art. This “Variability in art“ drew special attention  in Russia. It was especially promoted by the media  The idea variable is going on in using by a special kind of art therapy courses in Germany and Russia with children from kindergarten, regular schools and boarding schools for orphans.

“Dreiklang” is the name of our gallery. “Dreiklang” – three simalteneous sounds, symbolising emotional contact between the painter, the sculptor and the spectator. It means that our art work can  touch the spectator so deeply, that he later, in a burst of inspiration, finishes this triad or „Dreiklang“ with his own interpretation

 Thank you for visiting our website.

Your Gallery Dreiklang 
Nina Geling, painter and
Ekkahart Bouchon, sculptor 

November 2006 

......................Photoalbum of theGallery Dreiklang

...................Presse & TV

HNA-25.08.09 "Jeder kann ein Künstler sein"

Novaja Gaseta-19.08.09-"Kenoser" (in russischer Sprache)
HNA-17.07.09 "Märchenhafte Pinselstriche"
HNA-30.06.09" Starke Gefühle ohne Worte"
TV Göttingen "Ausdruckstanz auf hohem Niveau"
HNA-09.06.09 "Zwischen Mystik und Farbenpracht"
TV Göttingen „Im Feuer geboren“- Familie Vdovkin
HNA-16.03.09 "Mit viel Gefuehl und brillianter Technik"
HNA-02.03.09 " Russland für Auge und Ohr"-Fotomusem NN
HNA-02.02.09 "Toene, zart wie Pinselstriche"-Juri Didenko
HNA-21.01.09 "Kunst fuellt das Fenster"

HNA-02.12.08- "Melodien entstehen und vergehen"

HNA-18.11.08-95-" Kunstwerke warten"
HNA-14.11.08-"Da zieht die Kunst ein"
HNA-04.11.08 "Emaille neu entdeckt"
TV Göttingen "Innerer Dialog"-13.09.08-Slawa Golovchenko
HNA-29.08.08"-Ein letzter Gruß an Vladimir Svetlov"
Bericht aus Brifer und Bilder- 27. 08. 08-- Vladimir Svetlov- 40 Tage nach dem Tode des Künstlers
TV Göttingen-24.08.08- "Andreas Hering"
TV Göttingen-24.08.08- "Eine aussergewöhnliche Künstlerin"-Julia Kazantseva
Radio Jaroslawl,Bericht vom 27.06.08 - Die Faden einer Geschichte- 11. Internationale Emaillesymposium
TV Göttingen - 31.05.08- Mina Farjadi
TV Bericht vom Fernsehsender des Moskauer Zentralbezirks-25.03.08- "Feenwelt"
TV-Russische Kultur in Deutschland-30.04.08- Ilja Segalovich (in russischer Sprache)
TV-Russische Kultur in Deutschland--29.04.08- -Marias children (in russischer Sprache)
Radio "Die Stimme Russlands"-04.04.2008-"Galerie Dreiklang"
TV-Russische Kultur in Deutschland-Nina Geling (in russischer Sprache

NNTV-"Fairy World" in Nizhni Novgogod -1.11.2010

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